Dress Code
As part of the vision for the Sixth Form to achieve academic excellence and the highest expectations, the students must adhere to the following dress code at all times.
Dress Code
Tailored formal jacket no denim or leather which must be visible at all times. Denim and leather jackets are not permitted.
Buttoned and collared shirt or blouse.
Trousers, chinos or knee length tailored skirts/dress. Body con/stretchy skirts are not permitted.
Leather or leather like shoes, smart suede shoes or shoes with a small heel. Trainers, canvas shoes and boots are not permitted.
Tights may be worn but leggings are not permitted.
Crew or V neck jumpers may be worn over a collared shirt/blouse. Roll neck jumpers are not permitted.
Lanyards must be worn at all times.
Ties are optional.
Outdoor jackets are not to be worn inside.
No hoodies are to be worn, this includes in place of an outdoor jacket.
Religious headwear such as a hijabs, turbans and skullcaps are permitted. Woollen hats are permitted outdoors but not indoors. Students are not permitted to wear caps, durags, bandanas, bonnets or any other headwear.
Small studded earrings and one small nose stud are permitted. During PE lessons, they must be taken out or taped over if still during the healing period. No other piercings are permitted.
No other jewellery is permitted including rings, bangles etc. In rare cases, students may be granted an exception for religious reasons but they must get a pass from the LSC for this.
Necklaces must not be visible. Students are permitted to wear a watch but smartwatches (for example, iWatch) are not permitted.
We would strongly advise that students to not bring any expensive items into school as the school takes no liability for any lost, damaged or stolen items.
Make up, nails and tattoos
Make up is not allowed. Nails must be kept short. Painted nails are permitted but they must be short and no acrylics. Students will be issued a tutor detention if they have long acrylics nails and must ensure they are removed.
As per the Tattooing of Minors Act 1969, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to get a tattoo, even with parental consent. Therefore, students under the age of 18 are not permitted to have any tattoos. For those aged 18, tattoos should not be visible at any time.
Sports Kit
Students in Year 12 will take part in 16+ Sport each week and must adhere to the following PE kit:
Plain black t-shirt
Plain black tracksuit bottoms or shorts
Plain black polo neck jumper (optional)
Hoodies and branded sportswear are not permitted.