Leadership Opportunities
Our students are the leaders of tomorrow; therefore, we recognize the importance of preparing them for this through various leadership roles and opportunities including:
Leadership opportunities
At The Sydney Russell School, we aim to prepare students to take an active role in their communities once they leave school. As part of this, they are given opportunities to contribute to the life of the school and the wider community. One aspect of this is that students are selected to lead certain teams. While a member of staff has overall responsibility for the various enrichment activities, it is intended that students will take as much responsibility as possible.
Student Principal and Student Vice Principal
Student Council
Culture Council
Champion Readers
Equalities Working Group
Debating Society
Students volunteer or apply to be members of a committee and take responsibility for initiating and organising events relevant to their committee.
“Our students are the leaders of tomorrow; therefore, we recognise the importance of preparing them for this through various leadership roles and opportunities”
The Sydney Russell School