Leadership Opportunities

Our students are the leaders of tomorrow; therefore, we recognize the importance of preparing them for this through various leadership roles and opportunities including:

Leadership opportunities

At The Sydney Russell School, we aim to prepare students to take an active role in their communities once they leave school.  As part of this, they are given opportunities to contribute to the life of the school and the wider community.  One aspect of this is that students are selected to lead certain teams.  While a member of staff has overall responsibility for the various enrichment activities, it is intended that students will take as much responsibility as possible.  

Student Principal and Student Vice Principal


Student Council

Culture Council


Champion Readers

Equalities Working Group

Debating Society

Students volunteer or apply to be members of a committee and take responsibility for initiating and organising events relevant to their committee.

  • "One of the things I like about The Sydney Russell Sixth Form is the fact that the voices and opinions of the student body are valued and taken into consideration. The wide variety of student leadership roles available has allowed us to collaborate with Senior Leadership in order to implement the changes we would like to see in the school. I was fortunate enough to be voted in as Sydney Russell's very first Student Principal after I went through an extensive campaigning period. As Student Principal, I voiced my desire to help year 6s with their transition into secondary school and I was subsequently given the opportunity to launch a debate programme at the primary school, with the help of my teachers and my peers. I have learnt a great deal during my role, including many transferable skills such as public speaking, time management, and leadership skills, all of which have been useful to me during the process of applying to university."

    Syeda (Student)

  • "My entire journey towards becoming Student Principal is one I would consider the most memorable from my late application to presenting my speeches to all the years at Sydney's secondary school, which by the way was terrifying but something I would do over again because of the skills I gained from it. "

    Emmanuel (Student)

“Our students are the leaders of tomorrow; therefore, we recognise the importance of preparing them for this through various leadership roles and opportunities”

The Sydney Russell School