Future Pathways

90% students obtained a university place with almost 40% of these at Russell Group and other top third universities such as University of Birmingham, London School of Economics and Political Science and University College London.

Our bespoke Future Pathways programme is tailored to each individual ambition. Whilst the majority of our students aspire to attend university, it is acknowledged that an increasing number of students aim to transition directly into employment via apprenticeships.

We provide students with information on the various pathways available to them post-18 to enable them to make an informed decision through:

Access to a Careers Advisor

Weekly Future Pathways workshops led by an experienced mentor

Application and CV support

Visits to prestigious universities such as Queen Mary University and Kings College London

Work experience with leading global firms such as Morgan Stanley, Microsoft and Taylor Wessing

For students aspiring to make an application to the University of Cambridge or the University of Oxford, we have a dedicated programme – the Oxbridge Excellence Programme (OEP)

Successful applicants to the programme will be provided with:

1-to-1 sessions with an Oxbridge mentor

Regular workshops including ‘How to choose a college’ and ‘What does a successful Oxbridge personal statement look like’

A visit to Newnham College, University of Cambridge or Wadham College, University of Oxford

Application and Admissions Assessment support

  • "Future Pathway sessions in Year 12 and 13 are helpful when it comes to UCAS Application. The one-week focus on Future Pathway at the end of year 12 gave us a head start to our application and gave us a starting point for the personal statements especially for the early applicants."

    Sabira (Student)

  • "This sixth form is one of the best in terms of the opportunities that are provided for students to better their knowledge and understanding of the industry they wish to enter in the future. For example, recently I was blessed with the opportunity to have work experience at Morgan Stanley (one of the biggest investment banking firms in the world) arranged through the school. I was granted the opportunity to meet the executive manager of research and some other employees that I sometimes email and ask on their opinion on current news."

    Piotr (Student)

  • "Within my education at the Sydney Russell Sixth Form, I am taking part in a Construction Youth Trust Mentoring programme. This experience was tailored for individuals who wanted to take an alternative route from the generic future pathway to university undertaking a degree. As a student who has missed out on work experience due to the unfortunate circumstances of Covid, I have been keen on getting myself out into the workplace and nonetheless, took a great interest in degree apprenticeships as a possible future prospect of mine. This programme has allowed me the opportunity to outside of my academic studies find out more about the Construction industry and possible routes I can undertake through degree apprenticeships. It has further allowed me to sharpen up my CV and cover letter which is essential in the real world, as well as gain confidence in talking to employers and individuals who are apprentices themselves. Nevertheless, through participating in this programme I feel more secure and aware of my future options and know that there are many opportunities outside of university."

    Leena (Student)

90% students obtained a university place with almost 40% of these at Russell Group and other top third universities such as University of Birmingham, London School of Economics and Political Science and University College London.

The remaining 10% of students were successful in securing a degree apprenticeship or a position in paid employment, including with TFL.